Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 2, love and relationships!

So this week we learned about love and relationships. We learned what healthy relationships should and should not look like, what love really is; such as sacrificing for another's best, and what God created us for.
In our first day, we picked apart Genesis 1 & 2. I've always known and understood the trinity somewhat, but something cool that I learned is that when God created everything, God was the trinity even back then. So that means that it was the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all working together to create the world. And the coolest part of it all, is that they had US in mind from the very start and God created us from the very beginning to be loving, relational people that have worth and value. So cool!
That's just one snippet of what I learned this week. But God's been showing me, in a loving way, how selfish I am in my relationships and love. But I want to be so much better and work on giving love so much more than just receiving, so if you'd like to pray specifically for me with that, that would be amazing.
One last thing, especially with my relationship with Andrew(since it got brought up a lot this week with the topic and all) I just feel so empowered to be the best I can be, no matter what. And I want to constantly listen, be patient and give out love to him with every part of my being. Just sayin :)

Love you all.

Leah x

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